National Post
Mitt Romney may not be re-electable
By Sheldon Alberts
ROCHESTER, N.H. — The $250-million man was pacing on the stage at the historic Rochester Opera House, doing his level best to show he feels America’s pain.
“I know what it’s like to worry whether you are going to get fired,” Mitt Romney told the crowd in this eastern New Hampshire city, where the median household income is $49,000.
“There was a couple of times when I wondered whether I was going to get a pink slip.”
It was one of those head-scratching comments U.S. voters have come to expect from the former Massachusetts governor over the course of his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, the kind that make people wonder if he actually practices his stump speech before he delivers it.
You know, to hear how ridiculous it sounds.
Because, of course, Romney has no real life understanding of what it’s like for regular Americans to worry about ending up on the unemployment line, or meeting the next mortgage payment.
The son of American Motors executive George Romney, Willard Mitt Romney was born into significant wealth and used his corporate smarts to build his own personal fortune.
Along the way, as head of the venture capital firm Bain Capital, he fixed plenty of troubled companies and made them very, very profitable.
Good for him.
Romney’s success as a corporate turnaround specialist is his biggest selling point with Republicans voters searching for a presidential candidate who can shake the U.S. from its economic slumber and run Washington more like a business.
But being viewed as President CEO isn’t enough for Romney. For some reason, he keeps trying to relate to the folks — and keeps failing miserably at it.
In June, after hearing a group of unemployed Floridians share their struggles over lunch, Romney joked: “I should tell my story. I’m also unemployed.”
Supporters who have met the GOP candidate outside of the campaign bubble describe Romney as a humble and grounded politician who doesn’t fit the Richie Rich stereotype.
“He’s been sitting in coach on commercial flights,” Phil Coplen, a member of Romney’s finance team in Texas, told me after his event in Rochester. “He tells stories about being in the middle seat.”
But for all his good intentions, Romney lacks the populist touch. At his campaign stops Sunday in New Hampshire, he referred to meeting “the average American person” as if he or she were a curiosity that he had never experienced prior to running for president.
Upon taking the stage at the Rochester Opera House, a century-old local landmark, Romney offered this awkward opening line.
“I have not seen this extraordinary place. It’s comfortable to be in. It’s warm just to be in this room with all of you, not just temperature wise, but also emotion wise.”
Romney may be the only politician who can recite “personal favourite” lines from America the Beautiful with all the emotion of an accountant citing balance sheet results.
Yes, these are matters of style that may have little do with how Romney would actually govern as president.
Unfortunately, they could have a big impact on his ability to get elected.
According to almost every national poll taken over the past six months, Romney fares better in a hypothetical head-to-head contest against Barack Obama than any of the other five remaining GOP candidates.
But he suffers from a real problem — the more people see of him, the less they seem to like him.
In Iowa, he won the Republican caucuses on Jan. 3 despite not growing his support at all in the four years since the 2008 campaign.
New Hampshire is Romney’s second home — people here know him as well as anybody — and yet Suffolk University’s tracking poll has shown his support slipping in each of the past four days he has campaigned here.
Romney’s rivals don’t think so. As they try to pierce that aura of invincibility that Romney has built around his campaign, the other GOP candidates on Sunday for the first time cast serious doubts about his electability.
“If his record was so great as governor of Massachusetts, why didn’t he run for re-election?” former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum said during Sunday’s Meet the Press debate on NBC.
“Run again? That would be about me,” Romney protested.
“Can we drop a little bit of the pious baloney?” scoffed former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. He reminded viewers Romney lost a 1994 Senate race in Massachusetts to Teddy Kennedy and lost to John McCain for the Republican nomination in 2008.
“The fact is, you ran in ’94 and lost. That’s why you weren’t serving in the Senate with Rick Santorum. The fact is, you had a very bad re-election rating (as governor), you dropped out of office, you had been out of state for something like 200 days preparing to run for president.”
Those doubts — about whether Romney can ever connect in a national campaign — are weighing on some voters ahead of Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary.
“There are a lot of people who are saying that he’s not good enough to win because of the history of losing. That concerns me, I’m not going to lie,” said Colleen Yasenchock, who was in the audience in Rochester. “It scares me that he might not be electable.”
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