
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Calling for death because of remarks about a religious icon

PJ: I've been reading so many stories in the US that focus on religion that I started wondering how far the Christian right would go to force their beliefs on the American public. Sarah Palin attacked an airline who chose to discontinue Christian prayer cards...the GOP is attacking the Obama administration for its desire to have contraception covered in health plans, saying that the President is waging a war against the Christian faith...the Christian religion has a major role in every conservative campaign, meeting and convention...CPAC places the Christian faith as a cornerstone of their political principals say that the American people are "the most church going" of any's GOP not only embraces their connection to the Chrisian faith they may have actually morphed into a religion*...the religious right's power in the GOP is second to none as they wage war against other conservatives because of religious ideology**....

Kind of makes me wonder how far the religious right in the US will go given the opportunity to take total conrol over the government? Could something like the story that follows ever happen in America?


The Daily Beast

Twitter Aflame With Fatwa Against Saudi Writer Hamza Kashgari
Feb 8, 2012 6:10 PM EST
A young Saudi blogger’s tweets about the Prophet Muhammad have inflamed Islamists, who are calling for his execution. Mike Giglio exclusively interviews Hamza Kashgari.

You can read the article here:

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